Biography of Antonetta Moerland

Intuitive painting in transparent layers for a three-dimensional effect, creating space and depth in the painting.

In the 40 years that I have been painting my work has developed from realism, surrealism, abstract to the intuitive and spiritual. Countless paintings are created from an inner world, which covers the entire cosmos. You will see a world unknown to you in which many spaceships can be found. The space brothers are fully present in my work. From a very young age I became fascinated by books such as: “The Gods Were Cosmonauts” by Erich von Daniken and “Flying saucers have landed” by George Adamski. Benjamin Creme’s books and information have been a source of inspiration. It has always been natural to me that there is life on every planet in the Universe. Not to be perceived by us in physical form because this life (adapted to each planet) is located on other levels of etheric energy.
My paintings are a translation of energies as I receive and experience them.
Oil paint mixed with casein tempera paint is a method that I learned a long time ago and this gives beautiful results.

The Buddha paintings are my personal expression of a very fine meditative energy. Many works were created using acrylic paint with structure and mica and the Buddhas are playfully designed. The source of inspiration is Tibetan Buddhism with its good luck symbols.
The Hindu Gods and Goddesses are a sponsor project that I started a few years ago. Transparency, layering, cosmic spatiality and wholeness / unity of the forms in symmetry occurs in almost all paintings. I hope you enjoy viewing this website.

Antonetta Moerland

Antonetta Moerland
Visual artist